Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Associative and Commutative Property and Wisdom Teeth

Math:  Warm-up, homework stamp, partner check on homework.
How many out of 8 did you get correct?
Watched two Brainpops on Associative and Commutative Properties.
Took Gridbook notes on Lesson 5.
Worked on a big worksheet with a partner, I corrected it and we started homework.

Homework due Thursday: page 21 (1,3,6,8, and 17-25 ALL)  show work.

Science:  We looked at our pics from yesterday and read "Why it works" on the blog.

Grades have been updated, but anything turned in Thur or Fri won't be graded until after Spring Break.  
I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled Thursday and will be gone for two days.  

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