Thursday, January 27, 2011

All Math Quizzes and Tests Sent Home today!

Math:  Warm-up, homework check.  If students had all homework for the week finished, they got to go to the computer lab and try the games and links on the blog for 30 minutes.  Students will get another chance to play (if all work turned in! )  on February 10th.

Ratio Quiz;  grades should be in snapgrades  Friday.

All tests and quizzes from the first half of the year were passed out and paperclipped together.  The stack was too big to staple!  Take a look at your students quizzes and tests.

22 minute movie on Percents, Fractions and Decimals

Next week we will put together our data on the paper towel experiments, draw a cover, write a letter to communicate our findings, and graph our results.

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